Saturday, 9 May 2015

Home Show 2015 - Part 2

The Home Show 2015 has been open since the 1st and you have until the 30th to get yourself over there and grab some of the amazing creations on offer.

Lost Junction made me crave KFC like crazy and I can think of nothing better than curling up in bed with way more chicken than one person can eat and watching movies until I die of chicken overdose.

The Doc Bone's Chicken 8 Piece Meal comes with lots of options but I like the ones that look like I have my own chicken picnic on my bed. The TV, also from Lost Junction, is the Tala TV Flatscreen. You can choose between several different animated channels to 'watch'.

The bed is the Big Sur Bed from Toro in Navajo. It's big and comfy with a ton of pillows and I want to curl up in it forever.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Bed - Toro - Big Sur Bed - Navajo @Home Show 2015
*TV - Lost Junction - Tala TV Flatscreen Television - Mounted @Home Show 2015
*Remote - Lost Junction - Tala TV Remote @Home Show 2015
*Chicken Meal - Lost Junction - Doc Bone's Chicken 8 Piece Meal (includes Open Chicken Bucket, Open Mashed Potatoes, Biscuit Box, Soda Cup & Fully Loaded Plate. Other options available but not shown) @Home Show 2015
Records - Consignment - Vinyl Wall Display @Home Show 2015
*Pug - Culprit - Grrrmbah - Pugly Raver @Home Show 2015

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