Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Just Spread Your Tentacles

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going...

Just playing, it's all PG here today. No naughty tentacles, just regular well behaved tentacles that make for some pretty awesome look jewellery.

Just Spread Your Tentacles

You need to nip over to the Ama booth at Cosmopolitan and you can find these cuffs, rings and leash holders with or without rings and pearls. Each one comes with a hud with five colours so you can pick and choose! I personally love the version with the pearls.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Cuffs - Ama. - Pearl Tentacle Cuffs @Cosmopolitan
*Ring - Ama. - Pearl Tentacle Ring @Cosmopolitan
Eyeshadow - AlaskaMetro - Matte Mist Eyeshadow Palette
Lipstick - Insol - Glamour Shine Lipstick Palette
*Hair - Truth - May - Gingers Pack
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Insol appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
Pose - AddMe - Pose #060 Pack - 5

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Mist Upon The Morning

The Fantasy Collective is open for your shopping pleasure. A sim packed with goodies just waiting for you to swoop in to get your hands on.

Mist Upon The Morning

The Sekhmet dress you can find at the Azuchi booth. It comes in 7 colours and comes in fitmesh for both SLink bodies and the Maitreya Lara. Each colour comes with a white bra and the Brown/Red version of the belt but if you want other colours you can find 6 additional bra colours and 7 additional belt colours available to purchase separately.

The pretty little jewelled Seelie Crown is from Ama. There are 5 metal colours available and each one includes a hud with 6 gem colours. It's mod and can be adjusted to fit any head size.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Dress - Azuchi - Sekhmet Dress - Black @The Fantasy Collective
*Bra - Azuchi - Sekhmet Bra - Blue @The Fantasy Collective
*Belt - Azuchi - Sekhmet Belt - Black/Blue @The Fantasy Collective
*Collar - Aisling - Nura Collar - Gems & Chains @The Fantasy Collective
*Headpiece - Ama. - Seelie Crown - Fatpack @The Fantasy Collective
Tattoo - White Widow - Elektra - Black
Hair - Truth - Fenella - Gingers Pack @Uber
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
*Eyes - Arise - Fona Eyes - Blue @The Fantasy Collective
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Insol appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Evan Series - Two M

*Torches - Jian - Obtura Torch - Triple Curved @The Fantasy Collective
*Branches - Anc - Tears Trees - Red

Thursday, 26 May 2016

I've Been Waiting For Him

I've Been Waiting For Him

When he's been out and you've been waiting all night for him to get home...

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Shirt - Tetra - Aztec Loose T-Shirt With Pattern - Blue @Kustom9
Panties - Dead Dollz - Effie Thong - White @Shiny Shabby
Hair - Truth - Harmony - Gingers Pack
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Insol appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
Suit - Deadwool - Peak Tux - Midnight
Hair - Truth - Tom - Light Browns Pack
Skin - Clef De Peau - Phil
Head - Catwa - Jackson Head (with Cled De Peau appliers)
Body - SLink - Male Physique
Hands - SLink - Avatar Enhancement Mesh Hands - Male - Relaxed
*Pose - Bang - Pulled In Close @The Men's Department

H&G items:
*Couch - Sayo - Bungalow Retreat Gacha - Sofa @Whimsical
*Building - Sayo - Bungalow Retreat Gacha - Bungalow Rare @Whimsical

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Pretty In Pink

We're about half way through Whimsical so now would be the time to visit as the sim has quietened down and you probably won't have to fight your way in.

Pretty In Pink

The gorgeous and detailed bodysuit is Istyr from Aisling. You can find it in 4 latex packs and 4 leather packs. Each pack contains two colours and a hud that allows you to change the colour of the metal parts, change the lace texture (or turn it off completely) and tint it any colour you wish. It both SLink bodies and the Maitreya Lara.

The Athena hair is from Olive and is available in all their usual 10 colour packs. You can find this colour in the Naturals Pack. I love a braided style and this one is super cute.

The slightly unusual eyes I'm wearing are from LunaRosarie. The Different Dimension eyes come in 10 colours and in each pack you get two sizes and two versions. One with clock hands and one without. I went for the Toxic Candy because the mix of pink and green was too adorable. They're also kind of creepy, but in an interesting way.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Bodysuit - Aisling - Isfyr - Pink Latex @Whimsical
Eyeshadow - Slack Girl - Daisy Palette
*Hair - Olive - Athena - Naturals Pack @Whimsical
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
*Eyes - LunaRosarie - Different Dimensions Eyes - Toxic Candy With Hands @Whimsical
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Insol appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - Infiniti - Good Girl - 4
H&G items:
*Chair Left - Myrrine - Genivee Furntiure Gacha - Chair Pink Rare @Whimsical
*Chair Right - Myrrine - Genivee Furntiure Gacha - Chair Grey Rare @Whimsical
*Table - Myrrine - Genivee Furntiure Gacha - Table @Whimsical
*Lamp - Myrrine - Genivee Furntiure Gacha - Lamp @Whimsical
*Artwork - Myrrine - Genivee Furntiure Gacha - Wall Art @Whimsical
*Rug - Myrrine - Genivee Furntiure Gacha - Rug @Whimsical
Building - Scarlet Creative - Mockingbird Nook @Collabor88

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

The Girl In The Thigh Highs

Luxe Box is a new subscription box in Second Life that gives you 12 gorgeous creations from some of Second Life's top designers. You can find out more information about how to get the box, check out the brands involved and answer important questions like 'will this fit my avatar?' by checking out their website.

The Girl In The Thigh Highs

Every month they'll have a little competition where you can win 2 free Luxe Boxes by being picked as Luxe Box Lady Of The Month. So here's my stab at it! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Shirt - Blueberry - Luxe Box Leign Bustier ~For Luxe Box
Panties - Maitreya - Lara Panties (come with Maitreya Lara body)
Boots - Reign - Luxe Thigh High Pumps ~For Luxe Box
*Collar - Spellbound - Crystal Choker - Candy Pack
Lipstick - Insol - Lollipop Glossy Lips Palette @Cosmopolitan
Freckles (body) - Izzie's - Body Freckles II
Hair - Magika - Luxe Box May ~For Luxe Box
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Insol appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
Pose - oOo Studio - Pretty - Five (neck altered)

H&G items:
Puppy - MishMish - Teacup Pomeranian ~For Luxe Box
Bed - Tarte - Kendall Bed ~For Luxe Box
*Side Table - What Next - Marlow End Table - Coastal
*Tray - What Next - Marlow Tray Decor
*Planters - Cubic Cherry - Stillness Gacha - Flowerpot - Snow, Sky, Cream & Pink @Whimsical
Building - Scarlet Creative - Aria Cottage ~For Luxe Box

Monday, 23 May 2016

She's A Wildflower

I love pretty things. I'm like a damn magpie sometimes, especially in my favourite RL jewellery stores. If I could afford it I'd literally have everything. I can't. Sad times right? However those sad times are elevated by my favourite Second Life designers releasing new pretties.

She's A Wildflower

The gorgeous Aster set from Cae can be found down at Cosmopolitan. You can buy the earrings, necklace, ring and bracelet (not shown) separately or together to save yourself a few lindens. Each piece includes a hud with 3 metal colours and 10 gem stone colours. Delicate and perfect for teaming with spring/summer dresses.

While you're down at Cosmopolitan nip on over to the Insol booth and grab their Lollipop Glossy Lips palette. It's got six gorgeous, glossy colours with an almost glittery feel to them. I'm particularly fond of this luscious looking pink colour. Always demo first to make sure it lines up with your chosen skin!

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Necklace - Cae - Aster Necklace @Cosmopolitan
*Earrings - Cae - Aster Earrings @Cosmopolitan
*Ring - Cae - Aster Ring @Cosmopolitan
Eyeshadow - Slack Girl - Daisy Palette
Lipstick - Insol - Lollipop Glossy Lips Palette @Cosmopolitan
Nail Polish - AlaskaMetro - Muse Nail Art
Freckles (body) - Izzie's - Body Freckles II
*Hair - Truth - Arwen - Gingers Pack
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Insol appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
Pose - La Jolie Rose - Hands Elegance - Pose 3

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Relax, Take Your Shoes Off

It always feels good to take your shoes, and sometimes your bra, off at the end of a long day. So I hope you have your shoes off right now. If not, kick 'em off!

Relax, Take Your Shoes Off

The shoes I'm about to kick off are the Khaela Shoes from Vinyl & Azuchi. You can find them over at Whimsical in 15 colours and they made to fit the Maitreya, SLink or Belleza high feet. You can also find the Dyne Vintage Dress over at their booth in the same match 15 colours. This is made to fit all three Belleza bodies, both SLink bodies and the Maitreya Lara.

The jewellery you can gather by throwing some lindens into the Opaline Gacha from Plastik. They have lots of pieces in there so you are sure to find something you like and share you leftovers with your friends. It's only 50L per play.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Dress - Vinyl & Azuchi - Dyne Vintage Dress - Grey @Whimsical
*Shoes - Vinyl & Azuchi - Khaela Shoes - Grey @Whimsical
*Necklace - Plastik - Opaline Gacha - Pearl Row Necklace - Silvered @Whimsical
*Bracelet - Plastik - Opaline Gacha - Multistring Bracelet - Silvered @Whimsical
*Rings - Plastik - Opaline Gacha - Laura Ringset - Silvered @Whimsical
*Nose Stud - Plastik - Opaline Gacha - Pearl Nose Stud - Silvered @Whimsical
*Hair - Lovey Dovey - Alyssa - Rebels Pack @Whimsical
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Insol appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - Lyndz-Matic Poses - Shoes Off
H&G items:
*Couch - Cheeky Pea - Sabine Lounge Set - Sabine Sofa @N21
*Chair - Cheeky Pea - Sabine Lounge Set - Sabine Armchair @N21
*Table - Cheeky Pea - Sabine Lounge Set - Sabine Abstract Table Dark @N21
*Vase - Cheeky Pea - Sabine Lounge Set - Sabine Tulips In Water @N21
*Notebook - Cheeky Pea - Sabine Lounge Set - Composition Notebook @N21
*Boots - Cheeky Pea - Sabine Lounge Set - Book Decor Dollarbie @N21
*Artwork - Cheeky Pea - Sabine Lounge Set - Sabine Abstract Art 1, 2 & 3 @N21
*Light - Cheeky Pea - Sabine Lounge Set - Sabine Abstract Light Dark @N21
Building - Scarlet Creative - Aria Cottage ~For Luxe Box

Friday, 20 May 2016

No Distance Left To Run

You see so few necklaces that run down the back instead of the front that when someone does make one I'm all grabby hands and rushing off to find it.

No Distance Left To Run

Fishy Strawberry have delivered with the Aurora Necklace. It's fitted mesh so you'll find it sizes for Belleza, Maitreya and SLink and it includes a hud that allows you to change each row of beads individually. You can find this one over at Kustom9

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Bodysuit - Fishy Strawberry - Mistral Bodysuit - White
*Necklace - Fishy Strawberry - Aurora Necklace @Kustom9
Tattoo - Supernatural - Aquarius Tattoo
*Hair - Truth - Kasimire - Gingers Pack
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - Infiniti - Good Girl - 5
H&G items:
*Seating - Hate This Home - Pipe Seat @The Liaison Collaborative
Fence - Lark - Rainy Day Fence
Tress - Jian - Ash Tree
Tree With Owl - Jian - Wise Owl's Tree

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Demon Days

Whimsical is open and that means a sim packed full of goodies that you are going to want to fight you way into. So strip to your undies, get your TP spammers on and go!

Demon Days

Throw some lindens at the Storybook Hell Bound gacha and you can get your hands on this demonic little ensemble. It's only 75L per play and has 18 commons and 3 rares. The are the dresses and the wings, horns and tails are the commons. The dresses come in Maitreya Lara fitmesh only but the common pieces are attachments anyone can use.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Dress - Storybook - Hell Bound Gacha - Dress - Cool Tones RARE @Whimsical
*Wings - Storybook - Hell Bound Gacha - Wings - Wyvern @Whimsical
*Horns - Storybook - Hell Bound Gacha - Horns - Wyvern @Whimsical
*Tail - Storybook - Hell Bound Gacha - Tail - Wyvern @Whimsical
*Claws - Kibitz - Gabriella Claws Gacha - Silver RARE @Whimsical
*Necklace - Tabou - Whimsical Necklace - Silver @Whimsical
*Hair - Truth - May - Gingers Pack @Enchantment
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Evan Series - Two

Taken at Amatorum

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Walk Of Shame

There's nothing like a good night out and Blueberry know it! They've released the Sabina Party Dress so you can slip into a slinky little number and go dance the night away.

Walk Of Shame

It comes in a crazy amount of colours, including some special holographic versions. You'll find Standard Sizes (XXS - L) and fitmesh for all three Belleza bodies, both SLink bodies and the Maitreya Lara in each colour.

Happy Shopping!

*Dress - Blueberry - Sabina Party Dress - Fatpack
Necklace - Yummy - Unicorn Cameo Necklace - Pink Sparkles
Eye Make Up - AlaskaMetro - Matte Mist Eyeshadow Palette
Lipstick - L'Etre - Haily Lipstick - Tres Chic Special Color (gift) @Tres Chic
Hair - Magika - Luxe Box May ~For Luxe Box May Edition
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - Nantra - Walk Of Shame - #3 (includes phone and shoes) @Thrift Shop

Taken at Elysion

Monday, 16 May 2016


Every now and again Truth surprises us with something rather unusual and this time it's the Arwen style for The Secret Affair.


It comes with the skull included in all the usual Truth colour packs. You can also choose to wear the hair without the skull but why would you want to! Wear the skull! It looks bloody awesome!

Happy Shopping!

Shirt - Just Because - Felicia Top - Gray @Mesh Body Addicts
Necklace - Bamse - Mechanical Crow Necklace - Copper Rose
Tattoo - White Widow - Altar - Black
Eyeshadow - Izzie's - Glitter Eyeshadow Palette
Lipstick - Insol - Glamour Shine Lipstick Palette
*Hair - Truth - Arwen - Gingers Pack (includes skull) @The Secret Affair
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Lina Mini Series - One (gift) @Enchantment

Taken at Amatorum

Sunday, 15 May 2016

London Calling

Hey guys! How you been? I've been suffering because I have a stupid cold that won't go away. If someone could bring me tea and some snacks you'd be doing me a solid!

London Calling

The Lana Romper from The Secret Store is super cute. I love the pattern on the Coral colour I grabbed but you can find it in 10 colours. The Secret Store no longer offer Standard Sizes so you will only find this in fitmesh for both SLink bodies, the Maitreya Lara and a special flat chested version for the Maitreya Lara too.

Pretty flower necklaces are definitely needed for the spring and if you nip over to the Kawaii Project and grab the Sweet Pearl Flower Necklace from the Imeka booth. It includes a hud that allows you to change the colour of the flowers to suit your outfit.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
Romper - The Secret Store - Lana Romper - Coral @Collabor88
*Necklace - Imeka - Sweet Pearl Flower Necklace @Kawaii Project
Hair - Wasabi Pills - Thyra - Solar Ombre
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - Bang - Sit 022
H&G items:
*Bed - Cheeky Pea - London Rusted Bed @6 Republic
*London Artwork - Cheeky Pea - Cityscape Picture - London @Kustom9
*Hanging Frames - Cheeky Pea - Build A Frame Kit - Black @LTD: The Event
*Screen - Cheeky Pea - Repurposed Mono Screen
*Building - Cheeky Pea - City Loft Skybox @6 Republic

Friday, 13 May 2016

Live Music

I love rompers in SL because there's no way in hell that I'm ever pulling off a romper in RL. But hell that's what SL is for right?

Live Music

So I grabbed the Carefree Playsuit from Pixicat as soon as I saw it. I loved Flower N2 but there are 8 colours on offer. You'll get Standard Sizes (XS - M) and fitmesh for both SLink bodies and the Maitreya Lara.

I'm completely head over heels for these Boho Laced Sandals from Reign. How awesome are these! There are 8 colours on offer and you'll need the flat versions of the SLink, Maitreya or Belleza feet and the corresponding bodies.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
Romper - Pixicat - Carefree Playsuit - Flower N2 @Collabor88
Necklace - Yummy - Flower Nymph Necklace - Fatpack @We Love Role Play
Shoes - Reign - Boho Laced Sandals - Black @Collabor88
*Hair - Truth - Kora - Gingers Pack
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
Pose - oOo Studio - Flex - Three
*Guitar Case - What Next - Guitar Case Sign @Collabor88

Taken at Blithe

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Brand New Me

When I saw the teaser image for the Catwa Alice head I immediately felt like it would be me. It was a painful three day wait before I could try the demo and as soon as I put it on I fell in love.

Brand New Me

I also went and grabbed myself a new skin from a store I've never shopped in before. Insol. I'd been admiring her skins for a while but my previous head was an omega only applier and their Logo version of one of their skins didn't quite sit right on the mesh. As soon as I got the Alice head I made a beeline for the store and Inessa was the skin that most felt like me.

So since I have a new face, here's my new profile picture!

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Lipstick - Insol - Glamour Shine Palette
*Hair - Truth - Sicily - Gingers Pack
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Daphne Series - Three

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Cherry Blossoms

At last the weather is getting warmer! Okay so I live in the UK which means warm rain but yay, still better than cold rain!

Cherry Blossoms

The best thing about SL is if you want it can be Spring all year round, or Autumn all year round. It's entirely up to you. I love dressing for the seasons and Blueberry have released their cute Jocelyn Knotted Knot and Tazz Denim Shorts that are perfect for the warmer months.

They both come in Standard Sizes (XXS - L) and fitmesh for all three Belleza bodies, both SLink bodies and the Maitreya Lara. If you already purchased the Tazz Denim Shorts before the update nip down to the store to find out details about getting the new update!

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Shirt - Blueberry - Jocelyn Knotted Top - White
*Shorts - Blueberry - Tazz Denim Shorts - Fatpack
Cuffs - Just Because - Elegant Arm Cuff (gift) @FaMESHed
Necklace - Yummy - Flower Nymph Necklace - Fatpack @We Love Role Play
*Hair - Truth - Truth - Coco - Gingers Pack
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Eyebrows - GA.EG - Myst Brows Add On
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
*Pose - Kirin - Hanami - Pose 1 (includes petals)

Taken at Elysion

Monday, 9 May 2016

Swing Swing From The Tangles Of My Heart

As soon as I pulled out this Tree Swing prop I found on the Marketplace from Raindale, which is only 1L by the way, I immediately ended up with Swing Swing by All American Rejects stuck in my head.

Swing, Swing From The Tangles Of My Heart

The adorable little Mia Cami you can get from the Tres Blah booth at Uber. It comes in 9 colours and each one includes Standard Sizes (XXS - M) and fitmesh for the Maitreya Lara. You can also get your hands on the Revival Denim Skirt, also from Tres Blah, which comes in 5 colours and had the same sizes in each pack.

You can get the awesome Patsy Boots from Fishy Strawberry by nipping over to FaMESHed once you've finished shopping Uber. They come in 8 colours and they have included several calf sizes in the pack including extra small and extra large. Try a demo because you should be able to find a size that fits you in there.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
Shirt - Tres Blah - Mia Cami - Blue @Uber
Skirt - Tres Blah - Revival Denim Skirt - Dark @Uber
Necklace - Zenith - Magic Stone Necklace - Gold
*Boots - Fishy Strawberry - Patsy Boots - Mocha @FaMESHed
*Tattoo - Things. - Indrani Tattoo - Faded
Hair - Truth - River - Gingers Pack
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Eyebrows - GA.EG - Myst Brows Add On
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
Pose Prop - Raindale - Tree Swing
H&G items:
Trees (left to right):
Little Branch - Flames Maple - V1
Little Branch - Lombardy - Spring
Noctis - Melithor Woods - Skinny Tree 2 Summer
Little Branch - Hook Thorn - Dark
Little Branch - Flames Maple Cluster
Little Branch - Banyan Tree
Grass - Sweet Revolutions - 4 Season Long Grass

Sunday, 8 May 2016

You Need Me, I Don't Need You

We Love Role Play is having their 3rd birthday and not only is there a sim of awesome creations from your favourite RP designers but they've also sneaked a few gifts in there too.

You Need Me, I Don’t Need You

The Ellie Corset is a collaboration piece from Azuchi & Vinyl. You also get an undershirt included (not shown) that comes with a colour change hud. You'll find it in 9 colours and each one will have fitmesh for both SLink bodies, the Maitreya Lara and all three Belleza bodies.

While you're there head over to the Pixicat booth and you can grab the Hunter Pants. These pants have the option to wear them open like shown or to add the patches so you can cover up a bit more skin. Entirely your choice! You'll fine 9 colours and each colour will include Standard Sizes (XS - M) and fitmesh for Maitreya Lara and both SLink bodies.

Yummy have released the Flower Nymph Set of necklace and earrings for this round. You can grab it in 4 different colours or if you snap up the fatpack then you will get a hud that will allow you to mix and match those colours to your hearts content. Definitely worth grabbing the fatpack.

The Liaison Collaborative just opened and this round is all about furniture. So if you want to get your hands on a fancy new dining set then check out the Geometric Dining Set from Pixel Mode. It's sleek and minimal feeling. I think it's gorgeous.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
Top - Lab737 - Scythia Gacha - Noir & Rust Top @Fantasy Gacha Carnival
Corset - Azuchi & Vinyl - Ellie Corset - Dark Brown @We Love Role Play
Pants - Pixicat - Hunter Pants - Brown @We Love Role Play
Necklace & Earrings - Yummy - Flower Nymph Set - Fatpack @We Love Role Play
Hair - RunAway - Amber - Reds Pack @We Love Role Play
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Eyebrows - GA.EG - Myst Brows Add On
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Puck Mini Series - One M (gift) @We Love Role Play
H&G items:
*Table - Pixel Mode - Geometric Dining Set - Geometric Table @The Liaison Collaborative
*Chairs - Pixel Mode - Geometric Dining Set - Geometric Chair @The Liaison Collaborative
*Light - Pixel Mode - Geometric Dining Set - Geometric Hanging Light @The Liaison Collaborative
*Large Cactus - 22769 - Great Cactus @The Liaison Collaborative
*Small Cactus - 22769 - Succulent 2 @The Liaison Collaborative
*Building - Toiz - Jungle Balcony Gacha - Balcony Apartment RARE @The Liaison Collaborative

Friday, 6 May 2016

Baby, That's My Bag

FaMESHed is celebrating it's 4th Birthday! It's so weird that this event has been around for 4 years. It feels like it was only a little while ago that it started.

If you join the FaMESHed update group you can get yourself some amazing gifts from some of the designers. Incredibly generous and definitely worth the visit. My favourite gift was from Wasabi Pills. It's a special version of the Marissa hair and you need it!

Baby, That's My Bag

The adorable Yves Balloon Dress is from Baiastice. It comes in 12 colours and you'll find Standard Sizes (XXS - L) and fitmesh for the SLink Physique Original and Maitreya Lara. If you want get your hands on the Peony Handbag you'll also find that at the Baiastice booth and it comes in 5 different colours.

Pic 1:
*Dress - Baiastice - Yves Balloon Dress - Pink @FaMESHed
*Bag - Baiastice - Peony Handbag - Powder/Black @FaMESHed
Hair - Wasabi Pills - Marissa - FaMESHed Gift Version (tinted) @FaMESHed
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Eyebrows - GA.EG - Myst Brows Add On
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
Pose - Nais - Free 02 - 01 (coming soon)
H&G items:
*Boat - Cheeky Pea - Scilly Boat - Worn @FaMESHed

Picture taken at Amatorum

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Orange Crush

Another new bikini for the collection from Erratic! Yay!

Orange Crush

This one is the Justine Bikini and you can find it at Uber. I grabbed it in this gorgeous Aqua colour but there are 12 colours in total to choose from. You will need the Maitreya Lara body to wear this one as it only comes in one size.

I love Ama for making this adorable little Pop Ring Set. It makes me crave those weird ring pops we had has kids that were awkward as fuck to eat and left your hand covered in sticky slobber. Ahhh, good times. lol. You can find these in several different colours and metals over at Cosmopolitan.

If you also want to get your hands on some pretty little soda bottles then head on over to The Gacha Garden and throw a few lindens in the Yummy Things Gacha by Imeka. They have ice-cream in there too!

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
Bikini - Erratic - Justine Bikini - Aqua @Uber
*Necklace - Imeka - Cupcake Necklace With Bow
*Rings - Ama. - Pop Ring Set @Cosmopolitan
*Bottle - Imeka - Yummy Things Gacha - Magic Juice Color 2 @The Gacha Garden
Eyeshadow - AlaskaMetro - Matte Mist Shadow Palette
Nails - AlaskaMetro - Cosmic Nail Art
*Hair - Truth - Verity - Gingers Pack
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Eyebrows - GA.EG - Myst Brows Add On
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Lily Series - Five

Picture taken at Blithe

Monday, 2 May 2016

Crying For No Reason

I grabbed this lovely Spring Set of Lingerie from Tetra at this round of uber.

Crying For No Reason

I really love the shape on this set. It has a sport feel to it especially in the range of 8 colours they have on offer. You'll find fitmesh for both SLink bodies and the Maitreya Lara in each colour.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
Lingerie - Tetra - Spring Set - Navy @Uber
*Hair - Mina - Irma - Dip Dyes Pack Rare @The Gacha Garden
Mascara - Arise - Running Mascara 6 @The Dressing Room
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Eyebrows - GA.EG - Myst Brows Add On
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
*Pose - Bang - Lennox - 8
H&G items:
*Cupboard - What Next - Amelie Armoire - Linen V1
*Couch - What Next - Sail Away Daybed
Trees - Half-Deer - Starglitter Tree II - Sugar White
Building - Funky Junk - Recycled Garden Cottage

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Soak Up The Sun

Uber is back with their Country Spring round and you'll find all the clothing, accessories and home and garden goodies you could possibly need.

Soak Up the Sun

The Prairie Jumpsuit is from Fishy Strawberry. You'll find it in six gorgeous denim colours and each colour has a Standard Size fitmesh and fitmesh for both SLink bodies, Belleza Freya & Isis and the Maitreya Lara.

I love hairs that come with optional accessories and Truth has released the Sorrel style that has a cute little flower with it. All the usual Truth colour packs are on offer and each one includes a hud that allows you to choose several different flower colours too.

If you fancy tea in the garden then grab yourself the Dream Wrought Iron Set from Cheeky Pea. It's too damn cute for words and comes in a choice of PG or adult animations.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Jumpsuit - Fishy Strawberry - Prairie Jumpsuit - Dirty Wash @Uber
*Hair - Truth - Sorrel - Gingers Pack (includes flower) @Uber
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Eyebrows - GA.EG - Myst Brows Add On
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
*Pose - Black Tulip - Solitude - #12
H&G items:
*Table - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Table With Parasol @Uber
*Chair - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Tea Chair @Uber
*Tray - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Tea Tray @Uber
*Tulips - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Tulip Teacup Vase @Uber
*Scones - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Plated Scones @Uber
*Cupcake - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Cupcake @Uber
*Cake - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Cake Stand @Uber
*Cake Slice - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Cake Slice @Uber
*Place Setting - Cheeky Pea - Dream Wrought Iron Set - Place Setting @Uber
*Walls - Apple Fall - Farrow Garden Walls
*Trees - Imeka - Spring Tree - 02
*Pinwheel - Striped Mocha - Starched Linen Pinwheel - Teal Dots
Grass - Sweet Revolutions - 4 Season Long Grass
*Sunflowers - Little Branch - Sunflowers Field
*Boxes - Le Poppycock - Sweet Reverie