Monday, 28 June 2021

She Got Pride

She Got Pride

Bodysuit - Spoiled - Hit & Run Bodysuit - Black
*Jacket - Tetra - Tokyo Puffer Jacket - Pride At Home Version
Eyeshadow - Veechi - Kylie Shadow
Lipstick - Izzie's - Glossy Lipstick
Hair - Doux - Brandie - Fatpack
Eyes - Avi-Glam - Eternity Eyes - Leaf
*Skin - League - Sadie - Pale
Eyelashes - Euphoric - Leila Lashes
Freckles & Highlight - Bossie - Darlin Highlighters & Freckles
Head - Catwa - Eva Bento Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
Pose - Stun - Kendra - 1

Background - FoxCity - Backdrop - Cute Thing - Rainbow

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are review copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Sweeter Than Popsicles

Sweeter Than Popsicles

*Dress - Tres Blah - Somerset Dress - Fatpack @FaMESHed
Necklace - E.marie - Teyla Necklace - Golds Pack
Rings - Vibing - Isabella Rings - Gold
Eyeshadow - Veechi - Sweetheart Shadow
Lipstick - Izzie's - Spring Colors Lipgloss
Nails - E.marie - Mix & Match - Coffin - Forever Floral
*Hair - Truth - Bunny - Redheads Pack
Eyes - Avi-Glam - Siren Eyes Gacha - 11
*Skin - League - Sadie - Pale
Eyelashes - Euphoric - Leila Lashes
Freckles & Highlight - Bossie - Darlin Highlighters & Freckles
Head - Catwa - Eva Bento Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
*Popsicle - Kirin - My Popsicle (pose included but not used)
Pose - Stun - Cindy 4 (arm and neck adjusted using Animare)

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are review copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

Friday, 4 June 2021

I See The Sunshine

I See The Sunshine

*Swimsuit - Tetra - Spicy Bikini - Black @Kustom9
*Body Chains - Tetra - Spicy Body Chains - Fatpack @Kustom9
Rings - Vibing - Isabella Rings - Gold
Eyeshadow - Veechi - Kylie Shadow
Lipstick - Izzie's - Natural Lipgloss
Nails - E.marie - Mix & Match Coffin - Dark Omens
*Hair - Truth - Meadow - Redheads Pack
Eyes - Avi-Glam - Siren Eyes Gacha - 11
*Skin - League - Sadie - Pale
Eyelashes - Euphoric - Leila Lashes
Freckles & Highlight - Bossie - Darlin Highlighters & Freckles
Head - Catwa - Eva Bento Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
Pose - FoxCity - Vacay - 6M

Background - FoxCity - Backdrop - Poolside

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are review copies provided by designers or blogger groups.