Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Liaison Collaborative - Rustic Charm - Part 1

The Liaison Collaborative is open with their Boutique round and you can find yourself swept in the Rustic Charm theme of this round. It's the perfect theme for Autumn. Yes I'm clinging to Autumn like a limpet to a rock because technically it's not over until the end of November and I'm already too cold so adding snow will make me feel freezing just looking at me!

You have until November 30th to get yourself anything that takes your fancy!

The Old Table and matching Old Stood (under the table) you can grab from Zerkalo. If this light, distressed wood isn't your style then you can also find it in a darker, natural wood colour too.

The stool with the blanket and cushion is the Country Stool from MudHoney. You can find it in their booth along with the adorable Pumpkin Planks and the Corn Husk Wreath. They scream Autumn so much and for a pop of colour you can throw down the Herringbone Welcome Mat. You can purchases the pieces individually or as a pack to save yourself a few lindens. Go for the pack, you're going to want it all.

Toiz have released the Autumn Deco Gacha for this round of The Liaison Collaborative. You can get your hands on some indoor and outdoor pieces. The commons being the Pumpkin Deco, the Dead Pot, the Dustpan And Broom along with a few others not shown and the rare is the Forest Containter. Fingers crossed you get your hands on it because it's an adorable little building. It's only 45L a pull so you can go maybe a little bit crazy and get all the pieces.

The little acorn string lights are from Black Bantam. These are the Spring/Brown version and they include a blinking or regular version. I love string lights and these are too cute not to have.

You'll have to do a little sim hopping to grab some of the other things include a new clothing release from Truth. Yes you read right, from Truth. I'm so glad that they are back into releasing clothes and this one is for the Maitreya Lara body too (yay!). It's the Lush Sweater and it comes in several different colour packs. You get four tones of that colour and both Ama and I are wearing tones from the Greyscale Pack.

The adorable little boxer shorts are a new release from Ama. You can find them at Cosmopolitan and there are three colours available. Tringles, which I'm wearing, Rain, which Ama is wearing and a black pair. There's also a fatpack if you fancy the splurge. There is a Maitreya Lara size for women and SLink Physique size for men.

Happy Shopping!

Top - Truth - Lush Sweater - Greyscale Pack
*Boxers - Ama. - Comfy Boxers - Triangles @Cosmopolitan
*Necklace - Ama. - The Cyclic Necklace
Hair - Truth - Vienna - Gingers Pack
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Feline
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Ears - CheerNo - Human Ears - Tragus
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body - Includes Hands & Feet (with League appliers)
Top - Truth - Lush Sweater - Greyscale Pack
Boxers - Ama. - Comfy Boxers - Rain @Cosmopolitan
Rings - Ama. - Anastasia Rings
Tattoo - Things. - Eloi Tattoo
Hair - Exile - High And Dry - Fatpack
Skin - Pink Fuel - Ashley - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Odyssey Eyes - Clarity
Ears - Mandala - Steking Ears - Season 5
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
Pose - An Lar Poses - The Stone

H&G items:
*Table - Zerkalo - Old Table - Light @The Liaison Collaborative
*Stool - Zerkalo - Old Stool - Light @The Liaison Collaborative
*Stool With Blanket - MudHoney - Country Stool @The Liaison Collaborative
*Rug - MudHoney - Herringbone Welcome Mat @The Liaison Collaborative
*Wooden Pumpkins - MudHoney - Pumpkin Planks @The Liaison Collaborative
*Wreath - MudHoney - Corn Husk Wreath @The Liaison Collaborative
*Dust Pan - Toiz - Dustpan And Broom @The Liaison Collaborative
*Plant Pot - Toiz - Dead Pot @The Liaison Collaborative
*Pumpkins - Toiz - Pumpkin Deco @The Liaison Collaborative
*Acorn String Light - Black Bantam - Binded Rope Acorn String Lights - Spring/Brown @The Liaison Collaborative
Folded Blankets - Haikei - The Winter Cabin Gacha - 2
*Building - Toiz - Forest Container @The Liaison Collaborative

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