Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Fantasy Collective - Nov/Dec 2015 - Part 1

Happy Birthday to The Fantasy Collective! This is their 2nd birthday and they've got all their favourite creators to come shower you with fantasy new creations and gifts!

Their theme for this round is Fairy Tales so if you've ever wanted to be a princess then this is definitely your round.

Storybook are going to start off this post with their Curfew Dress.

This is the Cindy colour but there are 10 colours available for you to choose from. These are made to fit both Slink bodies and the Maitreya Lara. There are no standard sizes in this pack so please try a demo before committing to a purchase. I love this dress, especially the sheer part at the top.

The cloak is the Magic Princess Cloak from Astralia. You'll have to throw 75L at the gacha to try and win one. This is the rare version that comes with the flowers and a colour change hud. There are 7 commons and 1 rare so you're going to end up with a pretty cloak no matter which you win.

The jewel encrusted shoes are the Princess Heels form ChicChica. I'm loving their shoe releases lately and the detail on these is gorgeous. These are the Blue and there are 4 other colours on offer too. They are made for the SLink, Belleza and Maitreya high feet.

Also from ChicChica is the Mihrimah Diadem crown. This also comes in five colours and the jewels are such deep, rich colours on these that you're going to want one even if you don't want to be a princess.

Moon Elixir just keep getting better and better (in my opinion) and I'm even happier to see they've included fitmesh sizes with this newest release.

The Maiden Outfit is too adorable to pass up on. It's a little bit cute, but also a little bit sexy and comes in 8 different colours. Each colour includes a hud that allows you to change the bust and sleeves fabric colour and the laces and metal too. These come in standard sizes (XS - M) and fitmesh for SLink Physique, SLink Hourglass and Maitreya Lara.

Oxide have released the Anthea Crown which is a pretty little garland of flowers to adorn your princess head. It includes a hud that allows you to change the colours of the front parts of the flowers and the back parts separately so you can mix and match to fit your outfit.

The hair, which is in all three of my pictures today, is the Brielle style from Elikatira. This colour can be found in the Blondes pack (omg I know I'm not in the gingers pack!) and they have all their usual colour packs available.

Both necklaces I'm wearing are from Ama. The little short Dreams Necklace is the gift for the birthday round of The Fantasy Collective and the Visions Necklace is the regular offering. There are five different crystal colours on offer, each for 99L (but the fatpack is only 299L!) and hud crystal colour includes a hud that lets you switch between gold or silver metal.

Last up for this post is the Savage Beauty Dress from Dead Dollz

This dress is only for the Maitreya Lara body so I don't think you'll have much luck wearing it if you wear another body or the system body however you can always try a demo to see how it looks on you. It's gorgeous and lacy and comes in five colours. You definitely need one of these.

The jewellery set you can find in the Charm booth. it's the Sylth Jewellery and included in the pack is a gold version and a silver version along with a hud that lets you choose between 5 different gem colours. There are rigged and unrigged versions of some of the pieces so you can resize if you need to.

If you want to get your hands on a crown, which you definitely will, then swing by the Plastik booth and grab one of their Ourali Crowns. The pack has a small and large version and a hud with 28 (yes 28!) colours in it. If you can't find a colour you like in there when we can't help you! lol

More to come from The Fantasy Collective soon.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Dress - Storybook - Curfew Dress - Cindy @The Fantasy Collective
*Cloak - Astralia - Magic Princess Cloak RARE @The Fantasy Collective
*Shoes - ChicChica - Princess Heels - Blue @The Fantasy Collective
*Arm Straps - Naminoke - Princess Armlet - Blue @The Fantasy Collective
*Crown - ChicChica - Mihrimah Diadem - Sapphire @The Fantasy Collective
*Hair - Elikatira - Brielle - Blondes Pack @The Fantasy Collective
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Opal
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Eyelashes - Mon Cheri - Falsies Eyelash
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body - Includes Hands & Feet (with League appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Willow Series - Five Mirrored @The Fantasy Collective

Pic 2:
*Outfit - Moon Elixir - Maiden - Light Blue @The Fantasy Collective
*Flower Crown - Oxide - Anthea Crown @The Fantasy Collective
*Necklace Short - Ama. - Dreams Necklace (gift) @The Fantasy Collective
*Necklace Longer - Ama. - Visions Necklace - Fatpack @The Fantasy Collective
*Tattoo - Things. - Eustase Tattoo @The Fantasy Collective
*Hair - Elikatira - Brielle - Blondes Pack @The Fantasy Collective
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Opal
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Eyelashes - Mon Cheri - Falsies Eyelash
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body - Includes Hands (with League appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Lovely Series - Three

Pic 3:
*Dress - Dead Dollz - Savage Beauty Dress - White @The Fantasy Collective
*Crown - Plastik - Ourali Crown @The Fantasy Collective
*Jewellery Set - Charm - Sylth Jewellery Set @The Fantasy Collective
*Hair - Elikatira - Brielle - Blondes Pack @The Fantasy Collective
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Opal
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Eyelashes - Mon Cheri - Falsies Eyelash
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body - Includes Hands (with League appliers)
*Pose - Kirin - Himawari - Pose 6 @My Attic

H&G Items:
*Curtains - ASO - Vintage Curtain - Vintage @The Fantasy Collective
*Bed - Striped Mocha - Windy Heaven Daybed @The Fantasy Collective
*Mirror - MushiLu - Princess Mirrow - Gray @The Fantasy Collective
*Building - Alouette - The Princess Tower

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