Saturday, 1 November 2014

The Liaison Collaborative - October 2014 - Part 2

We've slipped into November... pinch, punch first of the month!

So that means that The Liaison Collaborative for October is in it's final stretch. It closes on the 10th November before the new round sets up so you'll want nip down there and get any bits you still had your eye on while you still have a chance.

Baiastice have released the Tori Dress for the event that is running with the current style of lingerie type dresses.

The Bittersweet colour immediately caught my attention. It's a rich colour and I really like how the black lace looks over the top. I usually find myself heading for the black colour of things but with this lace it looked stunning over the brown.

The really well made furniture you see in the background there are from two of my favourite furniture designers in Second Life. MudHoney and Sway's.

The Owen Porch Set from MudHoney is all sold as separate pieces so you can pick and choose the bits you want for your porch. I used them indoors and they work just as well. The pumpkins come in packs of three in the shapes shown. You can pick the pack in one of the three colours. The rocking chair also comes in several different types of wood so you can find something to suit your style of décor.

The Victor Wood Burning Stove from Sway's is a great addition to your house now the weather is really starting to get cold. I wish I had one of these next to me in my RL house right now. I don't so I'll have to settle for one in SL and hope that it tricks my brain into feeling warm. You have a choice of colours so don't fret if you think the Coal I picked it too dark.

Drift wanted to have you covered with their Rayna Romper so you get a choice of cotton or tweed fabric.

The cotton was my favourite and I headed right for the green on their hud. You get to pick and choose at your whim so it's almost like buying a fatpack. I like that it looks like a shirt and shorts but it's actually all one piece so you don't have worry about bits sticking out or them not fitting together perfectly.

Mimikri released a very pretty, sparkly dress that is super cute and a little bit naughty.

The Eve Embellished Dress is definitely different. I love the texture on this and the jewels that are embellished all over the bust area of the dress. However to be a little bit naughty the bust area is also slightly sheer. So you can dare to go bare or you can use the tintable nipple covers that come with it.

The little pumpkin guy you see there is Jeff. Jeff you can grab from Breno and while his real name by be Jack he will always be a Jeff to me. Either way he's cute and has a creepy little grin. His body reminds me a bit of Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas. Maybe he's full of bugs too!

If you wanted to get the black cuffs I'm wearing then you'll want to toddle on over to the Noodles booth and grab a set. You have a choice of several different metal colours and also a matching belt (not shown)

The bar and accessories you see hiding in the background there are some great new releases for TLC from Fetch and Kunst.

The Lyla Bar, Stools and accessories you can grab from Fetch. I really like the textures on this set and how grungy it looks. It also works so well with the beer taps from Kunst. There are three different beers to chose from and you can choose a version of the tap with or without a glass. There are also separate glasses with varying amounts of beer left in them so you can really look like you were throwing one hell of a party!

Sneaking in a few last things from this round...

Peqe have released their Maxi dress in some lovely autumn colours for TLC

I made a beeline for the Teal. Gorgeous colour and while not a typical autumn colour it's still a gorgeous dress in a delightful colour.

The cart full of pumpkins is from NanTra, which is also at TLC. It's the Pumkin Season pose prop and comes with lots of poses inside and the pumpkins are separate from the cart so you can rez them scattered around, in the cart or wherever you like.

Go check out the other goodies on offer, you don't want to miss out!

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Dress - Baiastice - Tori Dress - Bittersweet @The Liaison Collaborative
*Jewellery - Earthstones - SunMoonStars Bracelet & Necklace
Hair - Truth - Vixen - Gingers Pack
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Natural
Eyes - IKON - Spectral Eyes - Moor
Hands - SLink - Avatar Enhancement Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
*Pose - Ilaya - Artissane Pose - 3 @The Liaison Collaborative

Pic 2:
*Stove - Sway's - Victor Wood Burning Stove - Coal @The Liaison Collaborative
*Wood Basket - Sway's - Victory Basket With Firewood @The Liaison Collaborative
*Orange Pumpkin - MudHoney - Owen Fall Porch Metal Pumpkin - Med Orange @The Liaison Collaborative
*White Pumpkin - MudHoney - Owen Fall Porch Metal Pumpkin - Small White @The Liaison Collaborative
*Silver Pumpkin - MudHoney - Owen Fall Porch Metal Pumpkin - Big Silver @The Liaison Collaborative
*Welcome Sign - MudHoney - Owen Fall Porch Rustic Welcome Sign @The Liaison Collaborative
*Recipe Board - MudHoney - Owen Fall Porch Apple Cider Recipe Board @The Liaison Collaborative
*Rocking Chair - MudHoney - Owen Fall Porch Rocking Chair - Antique @The Liaison Collaborative
Ranch Board - Seven Emporium - Ranch Guide Sign

Pic 3:
*Romper - Drift - Rayna Romper - Cotton Pack @The Liaison Collaborative
Necklace - Glow Studio - Vega Necklace - Ogicom/Gold
*Hair - Damselfly - Angela - Light Reds & Faded Pack @The Liaison Collaborative
*Eye Makeup - Wicked Peach - Priestess Pack 1 - 5 @The Liaison Collaborative
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Natural
Eyes - IKON - Spectral Eyes - Moor
Hands - SLink - Avatar Enhancement Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
*Pose - NanTra - If The Shoe Fits - 5 Mirrored @The Liaison Collaborative

Pic 4:
*Dress - Mimikri - Eve Embellished Dress - Fire @The Liaison Collaborative
Necklace - Maxi Gossamer - Ankh - Medium
*Cuffs - Noodles - Mila Cuff - Black @The Liaison Collaborative
*Hair - Damselfly - Angela - Light Reds & Faded Pack @The Liaison Collaborative
*Eye Makeup - Wicked Peach - Priestess Pack 1 - 5 @The Liaison Collaborative
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Natural
Eyes - IKON - Spectral Eyes - Moor
Hands - SLink - Avatar Enhancement Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
*Pumpkin Man - Breno - Jack @The Liaison Collaborative
*Pose - Bauhaus Movement - TLC Oct - Morgana @The Liaison Collaborative

Pic 5:
*Bar - Fetch - Lyla Bar @The Liaison Collaborative
*Stools - Fetch - Lyla Stool @The Liaison Collaborative
*Box With Bottles - Fetch - Lyla Beer Crate @The Liaison Collaborative
*Single Bottles - Fetch - Lyla Bottles & Lyla Bottle Solo @The Liaison Collaborative
*Ashtray - Fetch - Lyla Ashtray @The Liaison Collaborative
*Left Tap - Kunst - Kunsteiner Tap - Silver / Larger @The Liaison Collaborative
*Middle Tap - Kunst - Kunsteiner Tap & Glass - Silver / Red Ale @The Liaison Collaborative
*Right Tap - Kunst - Kunsteiner Tap - Silver / Stout @The Liaison Collaborative
*Glass Left - Kunst - Kunsteiner Glass - #2 / Stout @The Liaison Collaborative
*Glass Right - Kunst - Kunsteiner Glass - #6 / Larger @The Liaison Collaborative
Crates - Floorplan - Crate Stack - Wood

Pic 6:
*Dress - Peqe - Autumn Maxi - Teal @The Liaison Collaborative
*Hair - Damselfly - Angela - Light Reds & Faded Pack @The Liaison Collaborative
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Natural
Eyes - IKON - Spectral Eyes - Moor
Hands - SLink - Avatar Enhancement Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
*Pose Prop - NanTra - Pumpkin Season @The Liaison Collaborative

House - Frogstar - Whiteout Industrial Loft

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