Sunday, 5 October 2014

Just In Time For Kustom9

I almost missed Kustom9 this month! It's been a busy month and I've been sick but I'm trying to make sure I catch up on all my events. It closes on the 10th of October so you have 5 days to get your butt down there if you haven't already.

My favourite piece is a jacket from Fishy Strawberry.

The Ducato Leather Jacket comes with the option of wearing it with or without the tank. You also get a hud so you can change the colour of the tank to suit your mood. I went with the pink because it matched so well with the awesome Sid hair from Mina.

You can grab this hair in one of the new pastels colours. They look great no matter what the style and I see SO many people in SL rocking the pastel shades so this is a great addition to the Mina colours.

The back pack you can try you luck at grabbing from the Layover Graphicz Back Pack gatcha. I got the Only You version. Good luck for getting the one you want!

MotiAme always make great pieces for Kustom9 and this round they've brought even more greatness for your inventory!

The Sailor Sweater and Simple Flared Skirt are great for those casual days where you just want to throw on a comfy outfit and veg out.

I love the oversized sweater, it looks like you could get lost in it. I could really do with one of these in RL right now.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
Jacket - Fishy Strawberry - Ducato Leather Jacket with Tank - Black @Kustom9
Pants - Maitreya - Leather Skinny Pants - Black
Necklace - Maxi Gossamer - Juicy Love Lips - Short
Hair - Mina - Sid - Pastels Pack @Kustom9
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Feline
Eyes - Ikon - Spectral Eyes - Moor
Teeth - Whatever - Teeth 2.0 - Gem Piercing
Ears - CheerNo - Human Ears - Tragus
Hands - SLink - Avatar Enhancement Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
Bag - Layover - Graphicz Backpack - Only You
Pose - Elephante Poses - Who Knew - #3

Pic 2:
Shirt - MotiAme - Sailor Sweater - Gray @Kustom9
Skirt - MotiAme - Simple Flared Skirt - Black @Kustom9
Boots - Miss Canning - High Top Sneakers - Black
Necklace - Yummy - Planet Lover Charm Necklace - Deluxe
Hair - Mina - Sid - Pastels Pack @Kustom9
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Feline
Eyes - Ikon - Spectral Eyes - Moor
Teeth - Whatever - Teeth 2.0 - Gem Piercing
Ears - CheerNo - Human Ears - Tragus
Hands - SLink - Avatar Enhancement Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
Pose - Kirin - Asuka - Pose 2 @Kustom9

Sign - Hideki - What The F*ck

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