Tuesday, 6 May 2014

We Love Role Play - May 2014

We Love Role Play is open and I'm always suckered in by lots of lovely cosplay items. I don't role play as much as I used to, but I still love crowding my already ridiculously crowded role play folder with more goodies.

Junbug released the Notte Stellata dress for We Love To Role Play. I immediately felt a big like a shield maiden in this. I've probably been binge watching a bit too much Vikings but I still love the dress.

I'm not sure there are many red headed shield maidens in Scandinavia but I can always be the first!

The hair is from Truth and is called Lagertha (of course) and I know I've blogged it before, but it fit so perfectly with this dress.

The sword comes with the I Am A Warrior poses from Elephante Poses. Now, where did I leave my shield?

FATEplay always have some amazing costumes on offer and they have released several great pieces at this round.

Lena is a dress fit for a any Queen Regent.

There's also 25% off the two colours available at We Love To Role Play or there are more full price colours in the main store. It comes with three different colours of belt too (which is separate) so you can customise to match your crown!

I don't have a crown, I think I left it with my shield.

Also from FATEplay is the Treffa Cloak and the Duelling Gloves

Both the cloak and gloves come with a hud that can change the colour and the style/shape of the item. It includes different hand shapes for the gloves and different lengths and hood positions for the cloaks.

I'm not great at being an assassin. I don't think you're supposed to knock the door and wait for them to answer.

The house is a new release from Alouette and is at Fit For A Princess. The Morgana House is super cute, has a large downstairs room and a smaller upstairs attic room. Perfect for a small plot of land and is only 102 Land impact. It also comes with the shadow maps so you can put your own textures on there and customise to your hearts content!

Pic 1:
Dress - Junbug - Notte Stellata - Basltic @We Love Role Play
Hair - Truth - Lagertha - Gingers Pack
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Steel (with Erin lipstick 03)
Hands - SLink - Mesh Hands - Bag (with League appliers)
Pose - Elephante Poses - I Am A Warrior - #3 (includes sword)

Pic 2:
Dress - FATEplay - Lena Dress - Quartz @We Love Role Play
Hair - Truth - Esperanza - Blondes Pack
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Bronze (with Erin lipstick 03)
Hands - SLink - Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
Pose - Poseway - Vuitton - 01

Pic 3:
Cape - FATEplay - Treffa Cloak - Female @We Love Role Play
Gloves - FATEplay - Duelling Gloves @We Love Role Play
Pants - FATEplay - Danai Pants - Dark
Sword - Rack Poses - Veni, Vidi Vici - Female Pack
Skin - League - Erin Pale - Bronze (with Erin lipstick 03)
Pose - Aushka&Co - Annie - Pose 03

House - Alouette - The Morgana House @Fit For A Princess
Trees - Studio Skye - Enchanted Woods V2

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