Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Pose Fair 2013 Preview - Grafica - Part 2 of 2

Now for the second part of the goodies you can get from Grafica at the pose fair!

This set is called 'Scyalla' and has 10 (20 if you include the mirror poses) wonderfully dramatic poses. Sometimes it's fun to bring out the drama. I shall flounce!

Center - Grafica - Scylla - 009 Mirror
Bottom Left - Grafica - Scylla - 008 Mirror
Top Right - Grafica - Scylla - 005

Our next two sets are called 'Per Donna' and 'Per Uomo'. They both have great poses that can be used for blogging or for vendor ads for stores. Not too dramatic, nice and simple. Pretty perfect!

Both sets have 10 poses and 10 mirrors.

Left - Grafica - Per Donna - 002 Mirror
Center - Grafica - Per Donna - 007
Right - Grafica - Per Donna - 010 Mirror

Left - Grafica - Per Uomo - 008
Center - Grafica - Per Uomo - 004 Mirror
Right - Grafica - Per Uomo - 002 Mirror

And incase you want the outfit credits:
Shirt - Tulip - Cotton Tank - Sky (mesh)
Pants - Maitreya - Flare Jeans - #8 (mesh)
Shoes - Maitreya - Liaison - Raven (mesh)
Hair - Truth - Lavinia - Marmalade w/roots (mesh)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Feline
Nails - Pixel Mode - Diamond Edition Mesh Nails - Regular (mesh)

More to come soon!

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