Saturday, 2 March 2013

A Couture Whore

For some reason there's a lot of fuss about the Whore Couture Fair. People getting upset about the name and stressing out about it. I personally take it as a bit of tongue in cheek fun. This outfit from League is available there and is utterly awesome on all levels!

So I'm being a couture whore!

I also love the new hair from Exile, which is available at Fameshed. Exile are growing increasingly awesome at their delivery of mesh hair. My Exile collection is growing steadily, which always makes me happy. A girl can never have enough hair.

Corset - League - Nyx Corset - Black Leather (mesh - Whore Couture Fair)
Skirt - League - Nyx Skirt (corset add on) - Black (mesh - Whore Couture Fair)
Boots - Ison - Carazon Boot - Black (mesh)
Hair - Exile - Say What You Want - Sunset (mesh - Fameshed)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Lush
Tattoo - Kanival - 77. Superstar
Wedding Ring - Lapoint & Bastchild
Shape - My Own
Pose - oOo Studio - Distance - 3

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