Saturday, 24 November 2012

Look Of The Day 24/11/2012 - Winter Flowers

I weirdly prefer flowery things in the winter time. So when I sat this outfit at Apple May I was straight in my piggy bank for some Lindens. I especially like when my significant other comments on an outfit and this one got me a lovely comment. I think it's going to become one of my favourites.

Still on my Exile hair kick. I'd always been a bit so and so with the prim stuff, but the mesh stuff is really impressing me. Like seriously. So much so that Exile has gotten it's own little folder in my favourites. I'm sure he'll be excited to know that! LOL


Outfit - Apple May Designs - Beth Outfit - Plain Shirt Version (mesh)
Shoes - Lassitude & Ennui - Boudoir Mules - Black (mesh, feet included)
Jewellery - Maxi Gossamer - Tarifa - Colour change (mesh - C88)
Hair - Exile - Beyond The Waves - Sunset (mesh)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Musk
Pose - Glitterati - Bitch - 6

Basic Cryssie Essentials
Tattoo - Kanival - 77. Superstar
Wedding Ring - Lapoint & Bastchild
Shape - My Own

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