Saturday, 3 November 2012

Look Of The Day 03/11/2012 - So Many Socks

I clearly could not wear enough pairs of socks with this outfit! Least my legs will be warm. I'm a little bit in love with the new wedges from Maitreya and I'm so glad they come with a sock option so my little toesies don't get cold in the winter weather!

My ass looks fantastic in this skirt by the way. I can't stop looking at it!

Now for the credits.

Shirt - The Secret Store - Sweet Sheer - Chalk (mesh)
Skirt - Teefy - Highwaisted Short Denim Skirt - Teal (mesh)
Socks - Maitreya - Moxie Socks
Fishnets - Ducknipple
Shoes - Maitreya - Suave - Raven (mesh - socks version)
Necklace - Izzie's - Panda Necklace (mesh)
Hair - Magika - Today - Colour Pack 01
Skin - League - Jen Pale - SmokyRose
Pose - Focus Poses - Summer Set 2 - 5

Basic Cryssie Essentials
Tattoo - Kanival - 77. Superstar
Wedding Ring - Lapoint & Bastchild
Shape - My Own

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