Sunday, 28 October 2018

The Terror

The Terror

So between RL work and an accident that I had I've been away for the past week. During this week some stuff happened that made me think about my blogging career and how often I blog. I will be cutting back on how often I post. I think it's for the best for my mental health.

So onto the real reason you're here. The Lillith Gacha is by Blueberry and you can find it down at The Epiphany until November 12th. It's 50L per pull. If you had gachas and you want everything then the entire fatpack is 2300L so it's up to you how you spend your lindens. In the gacha you'll find dresses, boots, wings, tails, headdresses and pitch forks. The great thing about this gacha is you can make a full outfit using just commons and you'll have yourself a sexy little Halloween get up but you can easily wear it as just a great dress and boots without the tail and wings. Fab yeah? It'll only be in gacha form during The Epiphany because after then it'll be fatpack only. Make sure you play for the correct body you wear!

Good Luck and Happy Shopping!

*Dress - Blueberry - Lillith Gacha - Lillith Dress Black RARE @The Epiphany
*Boots - Blueberry - Lillith Gacha - Lillith Boots Black RARE @The Epiphany
*Tail - Blueberry - Lillith Gacha - Lillith Tail Black @The Epiphany
*Wings - Blueberry - Lillith Gacha - Lillith Wings Black RARE @The Epiphany
*Headpiece - Blueberry - Lillith Gacha - Lillith Head Dress 6 @The Epiphany
*Pitchfork - Blueberry - Lillith Gacha - Lillith Riding Fork #5 EXCLUSIVE @The Epiphany
Lipstick - Izzie's - Black Lipstick (gift)
*Freckles & Highlight - Bossie - Darlin Highlighters & Freckles
Eyeshadow - Izzie's - Grey Tones Make-Up Set
Nails - E.marie - Vampy Babe Set - Coffin
*Hair - Wasabi - Shay & Pippa Gacha - Shay Hair - B&W Pack @The Epiphany
*Skin - League - Sadie - Pale
*Eyes - Avi-Glam - Delicate Eyes
*Eyelashes - Euphoric - Leila Lashes
Head - Catwa - Eva Bento Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
Pose is in the pitchfork

Background - Sayo - Manic Reverie Gacha - T/Error @The Epiphany

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are review copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

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