Sunday, 14 October 2018

If You Were Fabric You'd Be Plaid

If You Were Fabric You'd Be Plaid

Tetra have released the Faith Dress down at Collabor88 in 15 plain colours and a 10 colour pattern pack. The HUD includes the ability to change the transparency of the dress too. It's made in fitmesh for Belleza Freya & Isis, both Slink bodies and the Maitreya Lara.

There's loads more to see at Collabor88 so go check it out!

Happy Shopping!

*Dress - Tetra - Faith Dress - Pattern Pack @Collabor88
Necklace - E.marie - Basic Witch Necklace
Rings - Kibitz - Specs Rings - Silver
Lipstick - Izzie's - Spring Colors Lipgloss
*Freckles & Highlight - Bossie - Darlin Highlighters & Freckles
Eyeliner - Veechi - Metallic WInged Liner
Nails - E.marie - Autumn Palett - Coffin
*Hair - Wasabi - Violetta Hair - Reds Pack @Salem
*Skin - League - Sadie - Pale
*Eyes - Avi-Glam - Delicate Eyes
*Eyelashes - Euphoric - Leila Lashes
Head - Catwa - Eva Bento Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
Pose - WetCat - Amiec - 4 @Pose Fair

*Bench - Tarte - Autumn Hanging Bench @Collabor88
*Hanging Bulbs - Tarte - Autumn Hanging Bulb @Collabor88
*Letters - Tarte - Marquee Letters
Building - Trompe Loeil - Marzelle Cottage @Collabor88

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are review copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

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