Sunday, 12 March 2017

Even After The Glitter Fades

The Skin Fair 2017 is open! It opened on the 10th but the sims are still packed so you will have to fight your way in. You can do it though! Hammer that LM! Spam those TP spammers until you get your sexy pixel butt on the sim and can shop for skins to your hearts content.

Even After The Glitter Fades

You know how excited I get about League and when I saw the new Amaia skin for LeLutka heads I even had to to break out my Simone V2 Bento head to get a little League love on it. This skin is so pretty and the makeup that comes on the hud is like having an instant click MUA on hand. Have a little peak at it.

Threre's some gorgeous make up options and you get them all on the hud, including all the eyebrow colours and the additional freckles and eyeliner. You even get some extra lip colours.

If you want even more lip colours you can also get six different additional Amaia Lipsticks in pale, mid and dark tones. You have a choice between Ultra Satin or Gloss. They are so pretty.

Also a quick shout out to Ossia Xevion, aka Apple, for helping me out with my shape for Lelutka head because I struggled a bit with it, I'm so used to my Catwa Alice head which isn't Bento and I couldn't quite pin down a shape I was happy with until she helped. Go check out her flickr! Thanks Apple!

Happy Shopping!

*Septum Piercing - Ama. - Spring Septum @The Liaison Collaborative
*Cheek Piercing - Ama. - Spring Cheek Piercing @The Liaison Collaborative
*Necklace - Cae - Reign Collection - Reign Necklace @FaMESHed
*Earrings - Cae - Reign Collection - Reign Earrings - Burst @FaMESHed
*Lipstick - League - Amaia Gloss Lipsticks - Midtones @Skin Fair 2017
*Hair - Truth - Zoya - Gingers Pack (VIP Group Gift)
*Skin - League - Amaia - Pale @Skin Fair 2017
Eyes - Suicidal Unborn - Xenira Eyes - Olive
Head - LeLutka - Simone V2 Bento
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Gabriel Series - Two (M)

Background - Deviant Art - heckyesBree

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are review copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

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