Sunday, 6 November 2016

But She's A Bad Girl

It's moving into the last stretch for The Epiphany so if you haven't been down to throw a few lindens at whichever gacha machines take your fancy. If you've already been there then don't forget to spend any points you've racked up redeeming your doubles.

But She's A Bad Girl

Head over to the Secret Spell Gacha by Blueberry and have a few spins to see if you can get your hands on the pices of a gorgeous outfit including this dress. It's only 50L per play and make sure you play the right machine for the right mesh body you use.

Happy Shopping!

*Dress - Blueberry - Secret Spell Gacha - #1 Dress - Black RARE @The Epiphany
*Armlets - Blueberry - Secret Spell Gacha - #21 Armlets - Black @The Epiphany
*Choker - Miss Chelsea - Iggy Lion Choker - Gold EXCLUSIVE @The Epiphany
*Hair - Truth - Ember - Gingers Pack
*Skin - Birth - Willow Gacha - Annie Applier 02 EXCLUSIVE @The Epiphany
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Diana Series - Four

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are blogger copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

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