Friday, 25 March 2016

Truth - Tierney

Truth have a new release over at The Fantasy Collective.

Truth - Tierney

Tierney comes in all the usual colour packs you find at Truth and you also get the optional crystal clown included in the pack. The crown can be colour changed using the hud that comes with it.

Happy Shopping!

*Hair - Truth - Tierney - Reds Pack (includes crown) @The Fantasy Collective
*Necklace - Ama. - Madina Necklace - Ruby
*Shirt - Blueberry - Georgina - Yoga Top - White
*Pose - Elephante Poses - Haven - #2 @Pose Fair 2016
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)

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