Tuesday, 22 March 2016

The Liaison Collaborative - 3rd Birthday - Part 2

The Liaison Collaborative's 3rd Birthday round is open until March 30th so you still have about a week to head on down if you haven't already or if you wanted to make another trip!

TLC - 3rd Birthday - 03

Luxuria have released the Grace Lingerie for this round. It's a pretty, deliciate, sheer set that will probably flash a bit more flesh than you'd think, but that's sexy as hell! You can find it in six lovely colours and each pack comes with System Layers and appliers for SLink, Maitreya and Omega.

TLC - 3rd Birthday - 04

There are times when you're going to want to be dressed and if you've got a hankering for a gorgeous formal number then head over to the Baiastice booth and grab yourself one of the Livia Dresses. The Stole is included too but a separate optional piece so you can wear it with other dresses or mix and match colours if get your hands on more than one. Speaking of colours there are 10 stunning colours to choose from and you'll find Standard Sizes (XXS - L) and fitmesh for SLink Physique and Maitreya Lara in each pack.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Lingerie - Luxuria - Grace Lingerie - White @The Liaison Collaborative
*Necklace - EarthStones - Dallas Diamond Collar
*Bracelet - Kunst - Garthwen Bracelets @The Liaison Collaborative
*Ring - Kunst - Garthwen Rings @The Liaison Collaborative
*Hair - Spellbound - Interlude - Chapter 1: Earth @Whore Couture
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
Pants - SLink - Stovepipe Jeans - Black
Tattoo - Reckless - Alpha - Faded
Glasses - Izzie's - Retro Glasses
Hair - Exile - Revolver - Blacks Pack
Skin - Nivaro - Serge - Cream
Body - SLink - Male Physique
Hands - SLink - Avatar Enhancement Mesh Hands - Male - Relaxed
*Pose - AddMe - Pose #066 @Pose Fair 2016

Pic 2:
*Dress - Baiastice - Livia Dress - Pearl @The Liaison Collaborative
*Stole - Baiastice - Livia Stole - Pearl (comes with dress) @The Liaison Collaborative
Shoes - Reign - Suki Strapped Heels - Nude
*Bracelet - Kunst - Garthwen Bracelets @The Liaison Collaborative
*Ring - Kunst - Garthwen Rings @The Liaison Collaborative
Hair - Spellbound - Interlude - Chapter 1: Earth @Whore Couture
Skin - Mynerva - Kianna - Summer Tone
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - GA.EG - Kirsten Mesh Head (with Mynerva appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Mynerva appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Georgia Series - Four @Pose Fair 2016

H&G items:
*Vanity & Stool - Serenity Style - Romance Vanity @The Liaison Collaborative
Cleansing Products - Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - Clean Up
Brushes - Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - Brushes
Lipsticks - Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - Lips
Contour Kit - Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - Contour
Eyeshadows - Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - Eyes
Palettes - Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - Palettes
*Flowers - Random Matter - Tea Time - Flowers Pink @The Liaison Collaborative
*Teacup - Random Matter  - Tea Time - Cup of Tea Mint @The Liaison Collaborative
*Hanging Frames - Unkindness - Industrial Frame 1, 2 & 3 Colours @The Liaison Collaborative
*Tulips - Sway's - Hana Tulips In Wooden Bucket @The Liaison Collaborative
Clothing - Erratic - Lazy Sunday Morning - Clothing Clutter - Woman
Curtains - Half-Deer - Fairy Curtain - Tied Left & Right
Building - Trompe Loeil - Dorina Cottage Cloud

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