Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Liaison Collaborative - The World Market - Part 2

The World Market round of The Liaison Collaborative closes on the 30th January so you have a few days left to check out what is on offer.

TLC - The World Market - So Many Seats

I've combined lots of pieces from 22769 World Market set, Atelier Visconti Jasmine set and Serenity Style Neylan set to make a cute little hang out area with lots of comfy seating. You could even throw out extra seating should you have even more friends come to hang out. They all made with similar soft earth tones like they were all made to go together.

If you're the type of person who loves colour then you're also covered at this round of The Liaison Collaborative.

TLC - The World Market - Caught Up In Colour

Clustered have made some gorgeous colour filled pieces for their Bohemian Corner set. It also works incredibly well with the Ihina Chest of Drawers from Sway's. There are so many colours in these pieces that you should have no problem popping them in with your current colourful furniture or teaming it with some neutral items to make them pop out even more.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Hanging Chair - 22769 - World Market - Light Set - Hanging Chair @The Liaison Collaborative
*Ottoman - 22769 - World Market - Light Set - Moroccan Leather Ottoman White @The Liaison Collaborative
*Mask - 22769 - World Market - Light Set - African Mask @The Liaison Collaborative
*Bowl - 22769 - World Market - Light Set - World Market Bowl @The Liaison Collaborative
*Cups - 22769 - World Market - Light Set - World Market Cups @The Liaison Collaborative
*Table - Atelier Visconti - Jasmine Set - Jasmine Low Table @The Liaison Collaborative
*Standing Lamp - Atelier Visconti - Jasmine Set - Jasmine Lamp @The Liaison Collaborative
*Armchair - Atelier Visconti - Jasmine Set - Jasmine Armchair @The Liaison Collaborative
*Pillow Chair - Serenity Style - Neylan Set - Neylan Cushions @The Liaison Collaborative
*Pouf Seat - Serenity Style - Neylan Set - Neylan Puf @The Liaison Collaborative
*Hanging Light - Serenity Style - Neylan Set - Neylan Lamp @The Liaison Collaborative
*Mirror - Serenity Style - Neylan Set - Neylan Mirror @The Liaison Collaborative
*Box - Serenity Style - Neylan Set - Neylan Box @The Liaison Collaborative
*Rug - Serenity Style - Neylan Set - Neylan Rug @The Liaison Collaborative
Cupboard - Hideki - Wooden Cupboard
Blinds - LISP - Mesh Blinds - Wide Short - White
*Wall - Concept - The Doors - 04. Wall Long B @The Liaison Collaborative
Building - Trompe Loeil - Huron Cove Cottage

Pic 2:
*Chair With Book - Clustered - Bohemian Corner - Book On A Chair @The Liaison Collaborative
*Lamp - Clustered - Bohemian Corner - Lamp @The Liaison Collaborative
*Ladder - Clustered - Bohemian Corner - Ladder @The Liaison Collaborative
*Table - Clustered - Bohemian Corner - Table @The Liaison Collaborative
*Rug - Clustered - Bohemian Corner - Rug @The Liaison Collaborative
*Window Art - Clustered - Bohemian Corner - Repurposed Window @The Liaison Collaborative
*Chair - Junk - Flea Market Chair - Floral @The Liaison Collaborative
*Drawers - Sway's - Ihina Chest Of Drawers - Tall @The Liaison Collaborative
Curtain - Paper Moon - Grand Cupped Curtain - Rococo
Building - Apple Fall - Rural Farmhouse RARE

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