Sunday, 17 November 2013

The Boys In Blue

There's not much more attractive than a man in a suit.

Recently there's been two absolutely stunning suits released for men. One from FATEwear and one from Zaara.

Of course the men I hang out with love to shop. It's why I hang out with them.

So when I saw this pair in these suits I had to force them to pose for me so I could blog something for the guys for a change. Not that they put up much of a fight!

Amadeo is wearing the new FATEwear suit. It comes with a colour change option for the shirt and the tie and in those pinstripes he's looking a little bit 10th Doctor, don't you think?

Valentine is wearing the Zaara suit. It also comes with a colour change hud for the shirt and tie. It's a delicious sleek suit. I was very impressed.

Hope you liked the boys taking the limelight for a change. Back to normal in the next post!

Suit - FATEwear - Norton - Lagoon
Shoes - Kauna - Wingtip Brogues - Black
Skin - Belleza - Miguel - Med
Hair - Dura - Boys&Girls 47 - Coffee
Hands - SLink - Male Mesh Hands - Casual
Nails - Hopscotch - The Mad Man's Fingernails
Ears - Hebenon Vial - Pierced Ears - Frost Special Edition
Facial Hair - Billy Zero - Soul Patch - Black
Pose oOo Studio - Zachary - Four

Suit - Zaara - Classic Suit - Navy
Shoes - Ispachi - Mason Brogues
Hair - Exile - Vindicated - Midnight
Skin - Belleza - Ethan Pale - 0
Hands - SLink - Male Mesh Hands - Relax
Pose - oOo Studio - Zachary - One

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