Saturday, 20 October 2012

Look Of The Day 20/10/2012 - Pick A Poppy

Poppies are one of my favourite flowers and I was rooting around in my inventory for something to wear when I stumbled across this beauty. I've had it for a while and forgotten I had it, but I'm glad I rediscovered it today. Plus I got told I looked awesome! Always good for my ego! HAHA!
Rolling out those credits for those who want them.
Dress - LoQ - Orchid Dress - Floral (mesh - old TDR item)
Boots - G-Field - Long Cuff Boots Will - Black (mesh)
Bangles - je suis... - Grande Bangles - All Colour Fatpack
Necklace - je suis... - L'amour Long (partial mesh)
Hair - Truth - Stevie - Espresso
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Candy Red
Pose - AGP - Free68 (freebie)
Basic Cryssie Essentials:
Tattoo - Kanival - 77. Superstar
Wedding Ring - Lapoint & Bastchild
Shape - My Own

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