Thursday, 18 October 2012

Look Of The Day 18/10/2012 - Hey You Over There...

I do love the colour on the red hair from Exile. So much so that I'm become a little bit addicted to Exile hair and I'm now spending an equal amount of time in red hair as I am in dark brown hair.
Also I pulled out my favourite pair of shoes for this LOTD. They are from Lassitude & Ennui and are rigged mesh with the feet included. Truly gorgeous, the ankle fitting is wonderful for wearing them with dresses and skirts and they fit just as perfectly snuggly under pants too.
Onto the credits!
Shirt - ColdLogic - Jett - Black (mesh - old scribo gift)
Pants - Erratic - Zoey Leather Pants - Black (mesh)
Shoes - Lassitude & Ennui - Boudoir Mules - Black (mesh - include feet)
Necklace - je suis... - Brillante Necklace - Grays (partial mesh)
Hair - Exile - Your Winter - Sunset (mesh)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Peach
Pose - Croire - Not Heartbreaking
Basic Cryssie Essentials:
Tattoo - Kanival - 77. Superstar
Wedding Ring - Lapoint & Bastchild
Shape - My Own

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