Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Look Of The Day 17/10/2012 - To Boldly Go...

Yes I am a Star Trek fan. I'm partial to the original Star Trek series, even though it's not my favourite, so when I saw this dress I had to have it.

Before anyone feels the need to point it out, I'm aware that the combadge I'm wearing is not from the original Star Trek series, but in fact from Voyager (my favourite series). Combadges weren't used in the original Star Trek series, but the ship ensignia was on the shirts.

Now for the details!

Dress - e! - SciFi Dress - Red (mesh)
Boots - Bax - Leather - Black
Combadge - MiS - 2370's style Voyager Combadge
Hair - Truth - Sam - Espresso (mesh - scribo freebie)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Feline
Pose - Still Life - Giddy - Your Wing Man

Basic Cryssie Essentials:
Tattoo - Kanival - 77. Superstar
Wedding Ring - Lapoint & Bastchild
Shape - My Own

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