Sunday, 14 July 2019

She'll Pity The Men I Know

She'll Pity The Men I Know

*Top - Tres Blah - Devon Blouse - Fatpack @FaMESHed
*Shorts - Tres Blah - Lulu Denim Shorts - Fatpack @FaMESHed
Necklace - Etham - Charm Necklace Gacha - Star RARE
Lipstick - Izzie's - Spring Blossom Lipgloss
Eyeshadow - Veechi - Spring Fling Shadow
*Hair - Truth - Surrender - Redheads
*Skin - League - Sadie - Pale
Eyes - Avi-Glam - Delicate Eyes
Eyelashes - Euphoric - Leila Lashes
Freckles & Highlight - Bossie - Darlin Highlighters & Freckles
Head - Catwa - Eva Bento Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
Pose - FoxCity - Moody - 5

Taken at Izzie's Main Store

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are review copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

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