Monday, 20 June 2016

That Summer Feeling

Summerfest is back! I love, love, LOVE Summerfest and I honestly wait all year for this event to creep back around. It's filled with gorgeous summer themed items and always has more swimwear than you can shake a stick at. You all know about my bikini hoarding obsession.

That Summer Feeling

Blueberry have released the Selena Dress. It's a lovely floaty looking dress that comes with little tied panties that are separate so you can choose not to wear them if you want. Naughty! It comes in 18 colours and comes in Standard Sizes (XXS - L) and fitmesh for both Slink bodies, all three Belleza bodies and the Maitreya Lara.

The lovely little updo I have on is Shennio from Due. I liked the Reds pack, as I usually do, but they have all the colours you could ever need. I love how the strands around the face look like they are blowing in the breeze. Perfect for your summer looks.

Lara Hurley always have gorgeous looking skins and I see them on others and get super jealous but they never felt like me until I tried on Gia. I love this skin, it's delicate and pretty and feels filled with summer sun. Gia is only for the Catwa heads but they also have a slightly different skin for the Lelutka heads on offer to. As always, make sure you try a demo!

Happy Shopping!

*Dress - Blueberry - Selena Dress - Fatpack @Summerfest
*Necklace - Minimal - Spesa Necklace - Gold @The Liaison Collaborative
*Hair - Due - Shennio - Reds Pack @Summerfest
*Skin - Lara Hurley - Gia - Pale @Summerfest
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Lara Hurley appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Lara Hurley appliers)
*Pose - EverGlow - Breeze - 01 @The Liaison Collaborative

Taken at Baja Norte (Lauren Bentham)

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