Friday, 20 May 2016

No Distance Left To Run

You see so few necklaces that run down the back instead of the front that when someone does make one I'm all grabby hands and rushing off to find it.

No Distance Left To Run

Fishy Strawberry have delivered with the Aurora Necklace. It's fitted mesh so you'll find it sizes for Belleza, Maitreya and SLink and it includes a hud that allows you to change each row of beads individually. You can find this one over at Kustom9

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Bodysuit - Fishy Strawberry - Mistral Bodysuit - White
*Necklace - Fishy Strawberry - Aurora Necklace @Kustom9
Tattoo - Supernatural - Aquarius Tattoo
*Hair - Truth - Kasimire - Gingers Pack
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - Infiniti - Good Girl - 5
H&G items:
*Seating - Hate This Home - Pipe Seat @The Liaison Collaborative
Fence - Lark - Rainy Day Fence
Tress - Jian - Ash Tree
Tree With Owl - Jian - Wise Owl's Tree

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