Saturday, 28 May 2016

Mist Upon The Morning

The Fantasy Collective is open for your shopping pleasure. A sim packed with goodies just waiting for you to swoop in to get your hands on.

Mist Upon The Morning

The Sekhmet dress you can find at the Azuchi booth. It comes in 7 colours and comes in fitmesh for both SLink bodies and the Maitreya Lara. Each colour comes with a white bra and the Brown/Red version of the belt but if you want other colours you can find 6 additional bra colours and 7 additional belt colours available to purchase separately.

The pretty little jewelled Seelie Crown is from Ama. There are 5 metal colours available and each one includes a hud with 6 gem colours. It's mod and can be adjusted to fit any head size.

Happy Shopping!

Pic 1:
*Dress - Azuchi - Sekhmet Dress - Black @The Fantasy Collective
*Bra - Azuchi - Sekhmet Bra - Blue @The Fantasy Collective
*Belt - Azuchi - Sekhmet Belt - Black/Blue @The Fantasy Collective
*Collar - Aisling - Nura Collar - Gems & Chains @The Fantasy Collective
*Headpiece - Ama. - Seelie Crown - Fatpack @The Fantasy Collective
Tattoo - White Widow - Elektra - Black
Hair - Truth - Fenella - Gingers Pack @Uber
Skin - Insol - Inessa - Peach
*Eyes - Arise - Fona Eyes - Blue @The Fantasy Collective
Head - Catwa - Alice Head (with Insol appliers)
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body (with Insol appliers)
*Pose - An Lar Poses - The Evan Series - Two M

*Torches - Jian - Obtura Torch - Triple Curved @The Fantasy Collective
*Branches - Anc - Tears Trees - Red

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