Sunday, 27 October 2013

Blacklace Bargains

Blacklace have got some great bargains for you today.

First up with have Harlequinn. This is only 99L and is part of their TGIF offer that they have every week. It's a gorgeous colour and as usual you get all the layers!

Next up we have Oakley. It's definitely one to pick up for Halloween and comes with a mesh corset.

It's only 75L as part of the Lazy Sunday event, so make sure you run and get this today!

And finally we have a freebie that's in their mini hunt for the party they had last night, Halloweenstock.

The pumpkins are still out, so you can grab them quickly!

1st Pic:
Lingerie - Blacklace - Harlequinn - Teal (TGIF)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Aqua
Hair - Truth - Stephania - Gingers Hud
Hands - SLink - Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
Eyes - IKON - Ascension - Moor
Pose - Purple Poses - Callie - 06

2nd Pic:
Lingerie - Blacklace - Oakley - Lazy Sunday Special (Lazy Sunday)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Peach
Hair - Truth - Arianna 2 - Gingers03
Hands - SLink - Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
Eyes - IKON - Ascension - Moor
Pose - Purple Poses - Debra - 02

3rd Pic:
Lingerie - Blacklace - Timeless - Halloween Hunt Gift
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Lush
Hair - Truth - Amaya - Gingers03 w/roots
Hands - SLink - Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)
Eyes - IKON - Ascension - Moor
Pose - Label Motion - TDR Mix - 4

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