Monday, 11 June 2018

Polka Dot Bikini

Polka Dot Bikini

I've been playing around with the new bento face animations for the Logo heads. I'm wearing Rose here but the other Logo bento heads have been updated to work with these adorable new animations so go grab yourself a redelivery to get an update! If you want to see more info about the new animations available then check out the Logo YouTube Video.

Also available for Logo heads are the new Bento Piercings. There are 4 packs; Lip Studs, Lip Rings, Nose Piercings & Tongue Piercing. All are bento rigged so they move with your face and any animations it makes. Included is a HUD that allows you to change the colour of the metal and show or hide the piercings that suit your style. Make sure you get the correct version for you head!

Hop on over to FaMESHed once you've finished playing with your new animations so you can grab the Estrela Collection. There are earrings and a necklace available or you can get both together in a fatpack. Both include a HUD with 3 metal colours and many gem colours for you to play with.

Happy Shopping!

*Bikini - Just Because - Irma Bikini - Fatpack
*Necklace - Cae - Estrela Collection - Estrela Necklace @FaMESHed
*Earrings - Cae - Estrela Collection - Estrela Earrings @FaMESHed
*Lip Stud - Logo - Bento Piercings - Lip Studs
*Lip Ring - Logo - Bento Piercings - Lip Rings
*Nose Piercings - Logo - Bento Piericings - Nose Piercings
*Hair - Clawtooth - Lose Control - Reds WIth Roots Pack @Uber
*Skin - Pink Fuel - Clara - Peach (includes lipgloss & eyeshadow)
Eyes - Suicidal Unborn - Delora Eyes - Spring
*Head - Logo - Rose Bento Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
Pose - Imitation - Nika - 4 @Vanity
*Face Anim - Logo - Fun 1 Pack - Anim 4

Background - Imitation - Peace Original RARE @Vanity

(LOL! Swimsuit count for Summer June - Aug: 1)

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are review copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

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