Monday, 31 October 2016

This Is Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night. This is Halloween, everybody make a scene, trick or treat till the neighbours gonna die of fright. It's our town, everybody scream, in this town of Halloween.

This Is Halloween

Halloween is my favourite and I haven't done a lot of Halloween themed pictures this year but I carved my RL pumpkin, which is my favourite part, and I got out all the decorations and put them out. So much joy.

If you want to Halloween it up in Second Life you can get the Willow Outfit from Just Because and turn yourself into a sexy skeleton. It's available in 4 skeleton colours and 14 regular colours. You can wear the bodysuit alone or with the leggings and you'll find fitmesh for all three Belleza bodies, both Slink bodies and the Maitreya Lara.

Happy Shopping and Happy Halloween!

*Outfit - Just Because - Willow Jumpsuit - Fatpack
*Collar - Silvery K - Neck Corset - Black RARE
Face Paint - Cureless - Psychopomp - Black
*Hair - Truth - Debra - Black & Whites Pack
Skin - Insol - Grace - Peach
Eyes - Ikon - Triumph Eyes - Moor
Head - Catwa - Alice Head
Body - Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body
*Pose - Infiniti - Good Girl - 4

Taken at Elysion

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are blogger copies provided by designers or blogger groups.

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