Sunday, 15 December 2013

All Hail The Onesie!

I don't about you but my friends and I are a little bit obsessed with onesies!

Intrigue Co. make the cutest onesies ever, usually animal themed.

In this round of Collabor88 they gave us a fox onesie. I sent us all into a bit of a onesie frenzy! We all love the tail and even the slippers have their own tails!

We got a bit silly playing in the snow. Well it is Christmas after all and if you can't be silly with your friends then when can you?

Onesie & Slippers - Intrigue Co. - Fox Pajamas (Collabor88)
Hair - Dura - Boys&Girls 36 - Coffee
Skin - Belleza - Miguel - Med

Onesie & Slippers - Intrigue Co. - Fox Pajamas (Collabor88)
Hair - Truth - Hollana - Seasand w/roots (tinted)
Skin - Pink Fuel - Elly - Sugar (Gloom)

Onesie & Slippers - Intrigue Co. - Fox Pajamas (Collabor88)
Hair - Truth - Marisol - Marmalade w/roots
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Pink Champagne

Onesie & Slippers - Intrigue Co. - Fox Pajamas (Collabor88)
Hair - Exile - Vindicated - Blacks
Skin - Belleza - Ethan Pale - 0

Pic 1: Pose - Purple Poses - Friends 72
Pic 2 : Pose - Bang - Sledding - Couple

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