Monday, 27 May 2013

Leather & Lace

The new round of Perfect Wardrobe starts today! Since a vast majority of people seem to have the day off it's a good chance to get in some sneaky, and cheap, shopping!

Here's just a few of my favourites from this round!

This dress is super sexy. I feel like I should be sat sipping cocktails somewhere. I'll take a Manhattan please!

Dress - Sakide - Ada Dress - Black (mesh - Perfect Wardrobe)

I love this necklace. I've had it a while but it's currently on sale for 90L at Perfect Wardrobe. It changes three different metal colours too.

Necklace - je suis... - Enchainee Necklace - Bronze (Perfect Wardrobe)

A mask isn't usually my kind of thing, but LouLou&Co have really impressed me with this one. I had to get a picture, it was too pretty to pass up.

Mask - Lou Lou & Co - Gothika Mask - Black (mesh - Perfect Wardrobe)
Eyelids - SLink - Mesh lids and lashes

In case you were wondering about anything else I was wearing in these pictures, the credits are below! Enjoy your extra day off!

Hair - Truth - Denee - Gingers03 (mesh)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - SmokyRose
Eyes - IKON - Ardent - Moor
Tattoo - Kanival - Superstar 77
Hands - SLink - Mesh Hands - Casual (with League appliers)

Pose - Exposeur - Singles Special - 1

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