Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Pose Fair 2013 - Ilaya

A few more pose fair goodies for you.
The two sets in this post are from Ilaya.
I have a few pose sets from Ilaya and her poses are always nice and good for taking pictures.

This first set is called Fmodel and has 8 poses in it.

Left - Ilaya - Fmodel - 08
Center - Ilaya - Fmodel - 06
Right - Ilaya - Fmodel - 01

The second set is called Attitude and also has 8 poses.

Left - Ilaya - Attitude - 04
Center - Ilaya - Attitude - 02
Right - Ilaya - Attitude - 01

If you're a little curious about my outfit for this post then the credits are below :)
Shirt - Auxilary - Cozy Knit - Mistle (mesh)
Pants - Boom - Norfolk Tweeds - Sisal (mesh)
Shoes - Maitreya - Stagoni Boots - Coal (mesh)
Hair - Truth - Kenzie - Marmalade w/roots (mesh)
Skin - League - Jen Pale - Feline

I'll be blogging a few more pose fair goodies since there was so much nice stuff and I want to try and get through as much as I can.

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